It is Assistant Principal Appreciation Week, and we are proud to say we have the BEST here at E.K. Baker! Mrs. Swanson serves E.K. Baker as well as two other schools, and she does a fantastic job! We are very blessed and thankful for her hard work each day and the joy and positivity she brings to our school. We hope you have a wonderful week, Mrs. Swanson!
Students and families! Remember that ALL yearbook orders are due by next Monday, April 1st! Please make sure to get these in as soon as possible.
Important updates from our Middle School!
- Chili Supper: Please join us on April 12th in the EKB Cafeteria from 5-7 P.M. for a Chili Supper! All proceeds go towards our 8th grade trip; this will be our LAST fundraiser for this trip!
- Prom and Graduation Expectations: Please read carefully and turn in signed forms to Mrs. Rue or Mrs. Puckett by March 31st!
Congratulations to our very own Kaylen Leekley for placing 3rd in the 4-H Region Public Speaking Contest! We are very proud of Kaylen and appreciate how well she represents E.K. Baker!
Our Spring Attendance contest has begun! Each class is given a word to "spell." They earn letters by having perfect attendance. Once they complete a word, they get prizes! Stay tuned to see which class can attend the most the rest of this school year!
Congratulations to our recipients of the Youth Leadership Award from the McMinn County Education Foundation! These students were chosen based on character, achievement, and recommendations. Ayden Brewer, Sheila Rodriguez, Kaylen Leekley, and Madlin Lynn are outstanding students and represent EK Baker very well! We are so proud of you!
DATE CHANGE! Don't miss out on joining the Yellow Jacket family!
PreK and Kindergarten Registration Coming Soon!
We had a great turn out for parent registration day! We appreciate the awesome parent involvement we have at EKB. If you still have questions about your child's schedule for high school, please contact Mrs. Brannon. Also, remember to mark your calendar for Tribe Night at McMinn County High School! This will be an opportunity to visit MCHS, meet teachers, ask questions, and get involved!
On Monday, we celebrated Dr. Seuss Week with "Silly Socks" day, inspired by his famous "Fox in Socks" book! We hope everyone had a wonderful day off, and we look forward to seeking our kiddos back at school tomorrow!
We hope to see many parents of our 8th graders this Wednesday! We will be handing out tentative 9th grade schedules, reviewing graduation requirements, and enjoying refreshments!
Today, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss! In celebration, we kicked off "Read Across America" Week last Friday with some incredible guest readers and our favorite Dr. Seuss books! Thank you to our readers who volunteered their time and energy to visit our kids!
Our 3rd-5th grade "Back to the 90's" Dance was a ton of fun! Our kiddos (and teachers!)
ate pizza, made memories, and danced the night away!
8th Grade Job Shadowing Day was a HUGE success and a ton of fun! Here are some of our awesome kiddos shadowing a variety of professions, such as landscaping, factory work, restaurants, and working with animals! It was a great way to end the week, and now, 8th grade is looking forward to registering for high school!
We will be hosting a 9th Grade Parent Registration Day for our 8th graders! Please join us to review schedules, go over important information, and enjoy refreshments!
Happy School Resource Officer Appreciation Day to our good friend, Officer Shelton! Thank you for everything you do for E.K. Baker!
MCHS is hosting a "Tribe Night" for all rising 8th graders! This is a great opportunity to view class selection, learn about school opportunities, and more!
Today, students (and teachers!) celebrated Kindness Week's "Love Others!" Day as well as Valentine's Day. It's been a wonderful week of kindness at EKB so far!
Today, EKB students "worked out their problems" with kindness! Students opted for comfort and wore gym/workout clothes to celebrate. As part of kindness week, our 3rd-5th graders learned about being kind to themselves through a lesson on self-confidence. 1st and 2nd grade read "A Little Spot of Love" and learned different ways to "grow" love in their friendships.
Here are a few of our "superheroes" who are "powered by Kindness!" We had a great start to Kindness week yesterday!