E.K. Baker Elementary is a level 5 based on academic growth for the 2020-2021 school year. A level 5 is the highest academic growth score that a school can receive. We are extremely proud of our faculty, staff, and students! This is a great accomplishment for any school, but it is AWESOME for E.K. Baker. The last time we received academic growth data we were a level 1. Our school has worked very hard to reach a level 5 status. Congratulations!

Our book fair is next week, August 23-27. Students will have an opportunity to visit and shop the book fair during school hours. However, using the provided link you can also shop the book fair and help our school raise money to purchase some new books for our library.

Join us at E.K. Baker for our Title 1 meeting Friday, August 6th at 5:30. Open House will follow the Title meeting.

We've got an app for that!! McMinn County Schools is now on the App Store and Google Play Store! App Store Link - https://apple.co/2SBu1f0 -- Google Play Store Link - https://bit.ly/3hbbONz

Welcome to our new website! We're in the process of launching new sites to hang out and watch for some awesome new changes!

Back to School! We're updating our Events Calendar for the 2021-2022 School Year. First day of classes is August 9 (early dismissal).